
Her name is...


Our Christmas Kitten!


Sleigh Bells Ring, Are Ya Listening......

Do you hear that? CHRISTMAS MUSIC 24/7!!!


Hey Y'all

Well. Where do I start? We went out for pizza last weekend to the Pizza Machine which has a 40 inch pizza that gets delivered to your table via a crane on the ceiling. NJ. It was a lot of fun. We would love to get a big group of you to go with us sometime. Definitely need a big group for the 40 inch, 6 adults just doesn't cut it!

Did about 20 loads of laundry last week. Again, NJ. I t was really dumb of me to not keep up with it, because after I got home from working this week I could have just cried looking @ the pile of clothes. I put up our Christmas tree and decor last week and wrapped all our gifts. Need to stay out of Schlobby Schlobby, aka Hobby Lobby, and Jeffery Alans. Much too much to buy there! My home is so festive right now, though. Just love it. I turn on the lights first thing when I get up. I could sit and look at it all day. Our kitty likes it, too. She is so cute. It is 6 weeks old and thinks Mia is it's new Mommy. I have to say that this is just the most perfect time for Mia to have a pet. She is so great with her. When she heard the kitty purring, she said to her Daddy, "She does that because she loves me!" (I hope that brought a little smile to your face!) Our Kitten needs a great name. We are open for suggestions.



Has anyone ever made stuffing the night before? Would it get too soggy?



Today I ordered a McCafe Vanilla Latte. That's all. I was asked if it was "for here or to go?" HMMMM?



Lazy Day. Great day for making donuts, watching movies, eating soup, and going to bed early. What did you all do on this lazy day?


2:30 AM

What do you do when you wake up @ 2:30 and you can't go back to sleep?

I make Christmas wreaths and sip Sleepytime tea!


My New Ride

I have looked at bikes for over a year and have never fallen in love with one. I finally had found this one. It doesn't have the fenders or the whitewalls like I originally looked for, but it works. Sadly, it has been out of stock for about 5 or 6 weeks. Even though the nice weather will be gone soon, I am so happy to finally have bike to pull my kids with. We have had the bike trailer for months (and my ultra-cushy upgraded bike seat!) This will be a great bike, great exercise!


Pepper Pains

Does anyone know what it feels like to have your thumb cut off with a chainsaw? Well, let me just tell you, if you are wondering what that would feel like, clean out a habanero pepper when you have a small cut on your finger. I was just preparing some jalapeno poppers for tomorrow afternoon and I had a few habanero's that the neighbor gave me. I thought I would try to make a few poppers with those, when all of the sudden I felt like my thumb was dying. Holy Cow. NJ It's still hurting.