
Kid Stories

Some funny things.

The other night We were having a terrible time getting Jack to fall asleep and stay asleep. At one point, he had been sleeping for about an hour, and woke up jabbering. When we went in to tuck him back in, we discovered Victor Vito nestled in his crib with him!
Later that same night, he woke up yet another time. When I went in this time, he had his blanket completely wrapped around his body and he was rolling around like the blueberry girl from Willy Wonka. It was hilarious.

Tonight, I was trying to make dinner and Mia decided to she wanted to go swimming in the backyard. I ignored her. She soon came into the kitchen in her bikini, absolutely insisting that she go outside to get her swimming pool. I told her no way, there is snow and ice outside. Still, she insisted. I just wanted to get dinner in the oven so I opened the door and told her to go outside and see if she still wanted to go swimming. She went out for a minute, in nothing but her bikini, and came back inside saying she needed her jeans on. A few minutes later, here comes Mia Rose in her bikini, a hoodie, a pair jeans (on backwards), and a pair of light up Tinker Bell shoes(No, I did not buy those shoes. I loathe light up character shoes). So I opened the door and she went out, stood on the deck, and sucked her thumb for a while. Miss persistent!
Needless to say, dinner was late, and Jack was screaming because he was hungry, and Mia was still mad because I wouldn't get her pool out for her. It would be so wonderful to cook in peace and quiet.