
Ode to Baby Clothes

Getting ready for our garage sale has been more work than I imagined. Today I went through the house and gathered things to sell. I didn't think we had much, but let me tell you, I am cleaning house. Weird, how stuff just accumulates and gets put some place for a "rainy day." Who needs it? Not me! It is so nice to have space in our closets and under the beds. I am not sure why, but I am a little sad to be getting rid of Mia's baby clothes. I have been holding on to them, just in case, but who knows if we will ever get to use them again? I will be glad for another little girl to look stinkin' adorable in them, but at the same time, it makes me weepy (I get the same way when Jack outgrows his clothes.) So many cute, little things, so many memories! So, farewell, cute baby clothes. Does anyone else experience this?


Saturday A.M.

Good Morning. Today was supposed to be pancake Saturday, but Heath had to take a practice Board exam this morning. So, instead, it was egg sammie Saturday, which I burnt! NJ. We have just been hanging out with the My Friends Tigger and Pooh and getting ready to go to Willy Waughwin's house. A couple things have to take place before we leave:

Task 1. Feed Jackson cereal.

Strongly dislikes. Prefers "Milk and Cookies."

Task 2. Bathe my kids.

Loves it!

This girl needs a pool.

Task 3. Naptime.

Well, task complete. Should be a great day. I hope Mia's life isn't in danger, (she has a little bit of pink on her shirt)!


"Cuttin Peoples Hairs"

A few weeks ago there was a message @ church about doing as the occasion demands and looking for the Lord in the day to day things we do. So, since then, I have been trying to look past the obvious and wait for God's still-small voice. This week before I went to "cuttin peoples hairs" (as Mia likes to say), I quickly prayed that God would use me to touch somebody. I listened closely each day, which is really difficult when you have a hair dryer going nonstop. And, let me just say that, "Yes. People will tell their hair stylist just about anything!" It is easy to hear the obvious needs. But, when you really, truly, stop and listen to others when they speak, it is amazing. You can hear the heart. I did not give messages or fancy words. I just tried to be genuine and speak words that were heartfelt.
I don't know if I changed a life, but hopefully someone was encouraged.
Listen to the ones around you. From the depths of the heart , the mouth speaks.


Never Again

So, this week we worked on our yard. We have a huge oak tree in front that smothered the grass with acorns. Heath raked for hours, bagged the acorns, fertilized the lawn, and planted new seed. All for nothing. Between the birds and the rain, all the seed is gone! Our yard is a mess. The only beautiful thing about it is the Bradford Pear tree that just blossomed over the weekend. Yet, I have decided that it has an aroma exactly like the penguin exhibit at the zoo! Nasssss-ty. So, if anyone knows of one of those t.v. shows that comes and transforms your yard in a day, feel free to sign us up!
Saturday night, GAME NIGHT! I was loving me some KB's. All I can say is, "complete domination." Then, things started to get ugly. During what I thought was going to be a friendly game of giant spoons (a.k.a. giant kitchen utensils), Eric was throwing spoons and bending nails, Whitney was getting bumps and bruises all down her arms, Katie's eye was almost dislodged by flying spoons, Jeff and Heath were jumping over the table, and I was just sure that my blood pressure was on the rise from all the intensity. I thought I would have to go buy some screws to fix the table. Finally, we ended the night with Apples to Apples. @ 12:15 we called it a night. I can tell I am getting old, because it felt like 4:15.
Sunday came so soon. But, it was a lovely day.
Then, today, after we cleaned out our garage and shed, we went to Litchfield to go shroom hunting. All of the Laughlin's are outdoor fanatics. They hike, they mow, they swim in ponds.... Well, I try. I really do. But to no avail. With kids in tow, and Seth following close behind, Heath, Debbie, and I searched the world for mushrooms. I knew I was in trouble when Seth said, "Winsey, I have a bug on me and it won't come off." A tick. My skin started crawling. I could not get out of the wilderness fast enough. And, after all that, not a mushroom to show for it. Never Again. NJ


Hello, Bloggers!

So, several months ago, my sister, Jody, told me I needed to create a blog. I told her absolutely no way. Yet, I have found myself reading all your posts. I love to see the pictures of your families and to hear about all your lives. I have even started reading post of people who I don't know. I am fascinated with the giant web of Believers sharing their life's joys and struggles. What a blessing this has been to me. Thank you.

So, here I am!

PS. I cannot type, literally. I have written nothing but checks since high school, so my spelling is shady. And, to top it all, I am a complete moron when it comes to computers. It takes me hours to do this! SO, please overlook any mistakes. Also, it will probably take me a while to finish our blog page, so be patient. But, if God could use one story about my family to bring a fragment of joy to someone else, I figure it is worth a shot. (Now I can finally write comments on your blogs!)