
Finer Things Club

Jack is a great eater. He eats his fruits and veggies and whatever else we put in front of him. And although he is very small, he eats a lot. Jack, also, loves his Schnacks. You should see his eyes light up after dinner when I pull out the cookies. I love that. Food is definitely the way to my son's heart. Well, over the past few days, Jack has began to express that he has developed "A Taste for the Finer Things in Life!" Fruit snacks, Double Cheeseburgers, French Fries, String Cheese, Pizza, and Yogurt. Not much else gets past his lips. Last night, I made him a delicious dinner of roasted
chicken and carrots and perfectly sauteed green beans. Healthy and Tasty. No Go. He wanted a Patty Melt, instead!
10 Months is too young to become a picky eater.


Smileyface said...

Glad to hear we're not the only one having these battles...thankfully Ellie hasn't developed this BUT her older brother on the other hand is a different story....becoming pickier every day. I hate it! I want him to eat EVERYTHING and be the kid that is easy going ;) so, we'll see what happens. I will plug away at staying persisent and consistant.

Happy weekend to you too!