

OK. I am not a germ-a-phobe. So, here is my deal with the dishwasher. I always put my silverware in the dishwasher upside down. I think it is easier to put away because you don't have to touch the "newly clean" part of the utensil that goes in your mouth. Heath, on the other hand, always puts silverware in with the eating part up, because that's the way his mom does it. He thinks that is the only way they get clean. (Although it is then put away with germy hands.) Do you know how many germs and bacteria are on the human hand? Do you really want to eat your cereal in the morning with a spoon that has finger germs on it?
My silverware is always clean when I put it down, always.
I would rather that Heath didn't even put dishes in the dishwasher if he doesn't put the silverware in there the right way. Wow. NJ


Nicole said...

hey i hope u don't mind, i'm adding your blog to my blog list that I follow. i love your blog!

the silverware in the dishwasher - you are lucky your husband even puts it IN the dishwasher!!! i put mine in with the eating part up as well. but i also have a flat basket that it goes in and it opens compeletly so you don't have to touch the 'newly clean' part. if my dishwasher didn't have the feature i would probably do it your way though.

mjvan said...

I don't have that problem. I am the dishwasher. :)

Brandijo said...

So I don't have a dishwasher, but I have a similar pet peeve. I have a system when I wash dishes and I can not stand when Josh will put a random dish in the water as I'm washing dishes. Not the same but you know.:)

Smileyface said...

one less battle in our house....we wash our own dishes ;) because we don't feel like spending the $$ to get the washer fixed....but i would put them up as i feel they get cleaner...HOWEVER, i see yer point on germy hands....sooooooooo.....can you just not touch the top part and squeeze hand further down to pull out? i have no idea....never used a dishwasher.