
October 1

Today was a gorgeous Fall day.
The leaves are changing, the temperature is perfect...

It was also Heath's first day on Surgery rotation. He woke up at 4:30 am. The first operation he scrubbed in on was for a hernia. I asked him if he got to do any stitching. He said, "No. And it's a good thing because my mask that I had to wear was so fogged up by the end of the surgery, I couldn't see anything!" I hope the attending didn't have the same problem.

The kids and I, on the other hand, did not wake up until almost 8. Max came over to play, while his mommy went to the Dr. They just love to play with him. Jack was so happy excited he didn't even take a morning nap. When Katie came back, we loaded everyone in the box and went to the Farmer's Market downtown. Amazing apples. Amazing. And the worst thing is, I don't even remember what kind I ate. But I am definitely going on Saturday to look for some more.

After the market, we went to the zoo. Always a good time.
After the zoo, we went to my Favorite place, the Ol' AB . It was like a zoo in there. About a million people and children! NJ. I am now addicted to caramels instead of cupcakes. The kids loved them, too. It was a great spot for pictures, I just wish I had some better photography skills, or at least as good as by numb-chuck skills;) Shout out to ND!

See ya!


cressfamily said...

Oh! You went to the Sprinfield farmer's market! Isn't it great! Did you check out the Veenstra's Vegetables farm stand? I recommend that one (for organic veggies) and Bear Creek Farm & Ranch (for chicken). The stand next to Veenstra's has organic apples for $3 for an entire bag. YUM!

Smileyface said...

looks like lotsa fun!

i have to ask about the gum thing....does it come out in their poop and you see it?!?!?!?!?!

Smileyface said...

wow on the gum thing....i didn't realize that. i used to work in the medical field and all i ever heard is that it can cause major health issues so always thought it was bad. has yer hubby heard that i can cause problems if they swallow it too much? although if yer seeing it come out then yer kids have great digestive systems!

we made TONS of applesause...we do every year....there's nothing like it! have you ever made it since you love apples so much?