

I don't know about all of you, but Thanksgiving is hands-down my favorite holiday. For several reasons: I have a deep love of food and cooking. I love eating all day long. I love smoked turkey, I hope we have it this year! I love being with family. Heath and I are big family people, we love just hanging out. I love how relaxed everyone seems, perhaps because they haven't felt the rush of the quickly approaching Christmas Hub-bub yet, or maybe because they simply have eaten too much turkey. I love that Christmas music will be playing all day, everyday for the next several weeks! I love knowing that on Friday I will be strolling through the mall getting some wonderful bargains. And now I am SO excited because I found out that it will be Stuff and Save week at ON the Friday After!!!!

Anyways, what does everyone have planned for this Thanksgiving? It is going to be here very soon, you know? Who will you spend it with? Do you go to both sides of the family? What dish do you take every year? What is your favorite thing to eat?

We are going to Heath's Aunt and Uncle's in Watseka for the Johnson Family Thanksgiving. We decided after one year of marriage that it was really silly to try and do stuff with both of our families in the same day since they are so far apart. So, do TG with Heath's family, and Xmas with mine. I always take a Carrot Cake with Cream Cheese Icing and usually some other dish that I just have to try out! I would have to say my favorite thing to eat is Grandma Johnson's cranberry relish. Last year she didn't make it and I was simply devastated.

I know it is still a few weeks away. Just can't wait though!


Smileyface said...

OH I am so right there with ya...My favorite holiday cuz you don't have to worry about the gifts hibity yet.....we can simply EAT all day long, relax, play games, and just enjoy each other.
LOVE IT! and can't wait!!

we will be getting together with my immediate family (4 brothers, and all their sig others, 2 nephews) also with my Dad's side...we will travel 1 hour to see them. Possibly Jason's family but never know about that til last minute. So, 2 for sure. Then my Mom's side we may be traveling because her brother and wife are expecting their 5th/6th kids: TWINS and they are coming anytime now!!! We are so excited to meet them! (and of course, so i can get my baby fix ;)

Will you just be in Watseka for one day? Would love to meet you in "real life" sometime ;)