
Bikes and Apples and Teeth

We bought Mia a bike this weekend. She learned to ride on Matt's little bike and I could not believe that she could actually ride it. But, she loves it. All week she has asked to ride it first thing in the morning. Actually (side-note), this morning, she asked to go to the Apple Barn. Apples are here. The Apple Barn in Chatham picked their first bunches of Gala Apples today. Be sure to go there and get some next time you are around. Anyway, back to the bike, we would have waited until Christmas or her birthday to get her such a big gift, but then she would have to wait months before she could ride it. So, we're not just trying to spoil her. That is the bad thing about winter B-days. Next year, my kids are having 1/2 b-day parties, so don't think I'm weird when you get party invites in June and July. NJ

Jack is getting another tooth already. This kid has got to slow down with the teeth, take a couple days break. I can't have my boy being addicted to Tylenol and Baby-Orajel.


Smileyface said...

Ellie turned 9 mths on the 16th, so they are almost a month apart.
and Mia is 3 this winter?

Jenny said...

We bought Tug a bike early this spring. We, like you, don't want to spoil, but he just loves to ride. And we have gotten tons of use out of it! Tug would love to go cruisin' with Mia!