
You're Not Going to Believe This

I don't want to jinks myself, but here goes. Mia loves her thumb. She has since the day she was born. I think it is so precious to see her find comfort in something so simple. Yet, I don't want her to be like me and suck her thumb in the third grade! Plus, I thunked:), "If she quits sucking her thumb, she will quit twisting her hair!" So, I bought some of that horrible stuff you paint on the thumb. I played it up with a whole manicure and pedicure. Sparkling polish of course. I told her that this "polish" was a top coat. I caked it on.
The first round didn't really phase her. So that night I "touched up" her manicure. We tucked her in bed and began to say our prayers. In goes Mr. Thumb. REACTION. "Mom. I need wash hands. I have poop on my hands!" This continued on for sometime. She cried herself to sleep.
It really was heartbreaking.
But,I haven't been putting the polish on her and she has not sucked her thumb now for two days, or twisted her hair.
I even stayed with her last night until she fell asleep to see if she would put it in, but she didn't. I didn't even have to tell her not to.
It seems so strange to see her trying to go to sleep now. She looks so old.
I am sure this is not all over yet, but I am SO thankful to the Lord for giving her grace to quit.


Smileyface said...

Yeah! You are so great to start this habit breaking young.....I'm not sure I will start with Gabe until he gets in his big boy bed (this next week hopefully!)....we'll see if I even have the heart to do it then.

Are you selling any of Miah's clothes on your garage sale? I would be interested for Ellie ;)

mjvan said...

Wow! I hope it really is that easy for Mia to quit. . . I don't look forward to that with Kinley. I find it very sweet as well when he comforts himself with his thumb.

SLP said...

Where do you buy that stuff? Anna still sucks her thumb at nigh:( Although it is less and less...By the way, I love keeping up with your news through your blog.